I think, so I am - Rene Descartes
Thought I say, is everything. You are who you think you are and you are what you think you are. Your thoughts shapes your character because they are the tiny fragments, processed over time that you come to exhibit that becomes your character and that you get to be defined by.
Shaping your circumstance
Your thought though does not make your circumstance but will shape your circumstance. The thought you harbor gets you to believe that you can get and gain skills in areas that there are needs, you will find yourself getting a job in areas where your services may be more appreciated, and you were questioning thought and circumstance, right?
Your health & achievements reflect your thoughts
Your health can be better if you think and believe that hazardous and gluttonous consumptions are not right for you; are you still questioning thought and health? If you think and go for it then you get it. All that you achieve and all that you fail to achieve are the direct results of your personal thoughts, individual responsibilities are absolute and you must take responsibility of what you have or did not have, stop finger-pointing and passing the buck. Your weakness and your strength; your purity and impurity, are yours, and no one else. You will disagree with me when I say that all was brought about by you and you alone, however; there is light at the end of the tunnel. It all can be changed and can only be changed by you alone. No one else but you can change it. Remember that your circumstances are solely yours and will remain yours until you do something to change it.
Your thoughts are your sole helper
No one can make you happy but you, no one can make you suffer but you alone because happiness is an internal evolvement. Even the good book told you that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him but what comes out of him; with that understanding, what someone else does to you is what goes into you and will not defile you, but whatever comes out of you is whatever you have thought about and processed, it will defile you if you do not think good thoughts. As you think, so you are; as you continue to think, so you will remain.
You have to want it
You cannot be helped to get stronger or think good thought until you want to; not even your man of god can help get you out of your weakness unless you are willing to be helped. The good book told you that have to believe first, and that is that you have to help yourself first; affirmations can do nothing for you unless you practice and develop that applied personal faith. Hollering for everyone to see you, going up in arms to defend the deformation of the Source rewarding, but just like the Pharisees, the rewards are immediate. You have to become stronger starting with your thoughts; you must do this by your own efforts, you must develop the strength that you admire in other people and the power that you respect and hold in high regards in other people. You may not believe this, but I say to you that, you are where you are because that is where your thoughts are.
Elevate to reach
Elevate your thoughts and link them with purpose and you will soar beyond your comprehension. You were put here for a purpose and you have to find that purpose so that you can fill the slot in this giant puzzle called life; if you don’t? You are going to be asked to account for your stewardship. It is not how much you prayed, praised and tithed at the church. You have been given a mind and you have to do something with it and produce returns. Not as it was given to but more, do more by thinking more; create more by owning your thoughts and discover your purpose by differentiating your thoughts. Your mind is the garden just like the talents, your thoughts are the seeds and you are the farmer and no one else. Take charge of you by controlling your thoughts because you get what you put in, the good book told you that as you sow, so shall you reap, bask your thoughts in purity and the results will be fancy. Do not outsource your thoughts because what they give is what they think you want and that may never serve the purpose. No one else but yourself can change your conditions but you. – emancipate yourself from mental limitations because it is only you that can free you. Let me hear from you.
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