You, Think! I say. It cannot stay the same
Change is positive actions against the present – How do we get there?
Change is positive actions against the present – How do we get there?
National Museum Of African American
History And Culture Located at 1400 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20560,
here in DC. Wow! My time came and I took my turn to visit and I witnessed the
systemic destruction of a race like no other in the history of mankind; a
well-choreographed, methodically inculcated and reasonably adaptive processes of practical reduction
of man – human beings, to the lowest concept of BE(ing). Our people were
stripped of that which differentiates us from other instinctive mammals; to say
that black people were regarded as beast of burden is being generous with
classifications from the beliefs and culture of the day. Mules cannot think, we
know that; these man and woman that were brought here in the bowls of ships
were the best in evolutionary class. They made it, they survived the horrendous
ordeal of a journey. Budgets were balanced with free labor because they
survived, economy was grown to the highest it has ever been, because they
survived; heck, free labor and buying and selling of captured booty off the
boat from Africa made many a family rich. We were told stories on incomplete
cargos because so many couldn’t make it to the Americas and were thrown
overboard, they had either suffocated, died of other ailments or killed. The brave
hearts among the un-free who do not want to be slaves or free labor pool took
to water hara-kiri and became part of the ecosystem –recycling of some sort as
they became fish delicacies as they jumped and can only swim so far in the vast
seas. Answer this if you will. Today’s fossil fuel, how did they come about
again? – continuity of supporting the west even today, and now this … Make
America great again! They say, my question is for who? When was America great
for the Black (African) American? The natives? The Japs etc.? It has always
been great for the one that likes its kind most, for the kind that out thinks
other kinds, for the kind that understands the weight of thought more than the
other, and for the continuous proactive builder for same kind.
My Brother's Keeper
The unfortunate happening is that
those who were not taken into the ships, those who helped throw the ropes and
nets that snared the ship’s content today, do not know the value of own kind.
The offshoots of those who exchanged glasses, spices and smelly stuffs for own
kind; those who gagged and bagged own kind still do not understand what the
“HOMO” means and they do not want anything to do with the “SAPIEN” part of the
equation. Why? You may ask. I just told you. That is the reason a person of
authority can dig a grave for 10 million dollars in a society where supply of
consistent electricity is an overreaching expectations; constant supply of pipe
born water is asking for too much and a drive through passable roads are
imaginations only fulfilled in the movies from the West. Like I was saying,
these are the reasons a person could distribute money meant for societal
security among his peers while teenage girls languish in deep forest; these are
the reason educational institutions, which were supposed to be custodians and
nurturers nations future are turned into playgrounds for spiders, lizards and a
host insects who rejoice in the quietude as these bastions of Golden Fleeces
stays out of commission as they are closed for months and even years on end
while the take home pay governor or senator is enough to operate one of these
institutions for years. Need I go on?
Is It So Deep?
Is It So Deep?
Have we been guided; were we persuaded
or are we still being influenced not to refine our philosophy so as to change
what we need to change in order to build better tomorrow? What is wrong with
us? What have we allowed to take root or allowed engrained in us that has
become a habit too difficult to untangle or be free from? My belief is that
everything is subject to change, that aphorism is a tested natural law, Covey
will call that, a Principle and it still holds true today given the fact that
so many of us adapt to those changes when we get to a changeable environment.
Are the primary difficulties in the initiation, execution or in closure? Is it
in all segment, in one segment or all three? What habits have we formed that we
are unable to change despite the mantra. Covey told us that habits are the
meeting point of knowledge, skill and desire, and I ask; what wisdom have we
gained from the lessons of the past so far and what have we done with that?
Convince me yet, but, who is proven wrong or right about BE(ing) “Sapient”? If
general belief is negative then what ability have been exhibited to negate sage
antonyms as identified by those that deemed themselves great – “AGAIN?”
What Are You Going To Do Now
What Are You Going To Do Now
James Allen said, that to desire is
to obtain and that to aspire is to achieve. I choose aspiration due to its
leniency in defining the cause, the road-map and setting the sail. In
aspiration processes, we can iron out the creases and continuously refine the
philosophy so as to achieve the aspired effect. We can do these folks, if we consistently
focus on the kinds of changes we can make; over time we will develop the habits
and if not for other results but for the muscles, for the experiences and if
only for the bragging rights. All attentions should be directed to the bag of
goodies Covey called “character ethic”, in the bag, there integrity, fidelity,
courage, compassion, contribution, responsibility, justice, appreciation for
what is available and service. Winning personal victories will graduate us
individually from the dependent classes into the independent room and with
that, we can get into the upper and more containing room labeled
“INTERDEPENDENT”. Yes, I said it; “SERVICE” to self and others does the trick.
If leaders of us are morally coded with language characters of integrity as characters
and competences are defined, we will have a restoration of trustworthiness in
our lives and the lives of our families our organizations and the society in
You Have Been a Follower for Too Long
You Have Been a Follower for Too Long
Folks, these really are the basis
of personal an interpersonal leadership and are the true foundation of all true
leadership successes. Personality ethics which is a common characteristics of
leaders of us can be manipulated and has been termed duplicitous
because it is not based on principles that is verifiable, leave that alone
folks. You the leader, though we are valuable everywhere, we are still hunted
everywhere – South Africa, India, Malaysia, Indonesia; etc. We contribute but
the perceptions are negative. When are you going begin to assure that you choices, your actions and results are the product of your own conclusions? follower "ship" is okay but methinks that being a student is even better. Who can tell our story? Like the lions, the hosts
are the historians – the hunters, and what they were told about the prey are
what they react on. They parasites, they say but is it true?
What The Old Said
What The Old Said
In the good book, you
were told to take pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Devine
intervention but also in the eyes of man. Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8. My core belief is
personal growth and development, get you good and we will all be good – synergy
works but you must do all that you can do by you for us.
Let me hear from you
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