The Reciprocist Ideation

The Reciprocist Ideation.
I mentioned in my last post some information that threw light to my text. Well, that is expected but, the thing is that I am not sure if it was my choice of words, the shuffling and/or arrangement of my words in discussing me that has attracted these inquisitions; particularly to my resent interests and endeavors. Yea, self-consciousness and discursive identifications of dealings with other individuals other than yours truly is being boldly understood as of late. It is no secret that any mention of programming of some sort draws a likeness to fear of nerdish perceptions. No, Neuro-Linguistic Programming is nothing of sort, look it up, I bet you will find something that may make you go hmmm!
Fable Explanation
At this point in the life of this blog post rather; I need to address the fable called “Thereciprocist”. It has garnered so much interest as a word that I just have to address it, and somehow create an understanding so that all of us may make sense of it. “Thereciprocist” as it is pronounced is a combination the definite article and reciprocation action with an added expertized personalization “ist”. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, where are we going with this? You may ask, here it comes. To live a life of reciprocity is an expectation in my definition that people will respond favorably to you by returning benefits for benefits, and on the other hand respond with either indifference or hostility to harms that you do to them, isn’t it? You get what you give.
It is What It is
Some wise persons will tell you that you reap what you sow, to which I will include the law of averages. You the economist, I leave you to make sense of that law as it applies here; I must tell you however, it is practically impossible that it cannot happen, to sow tomatoes and get not-tomatoes. You do not sow oranges and expect grapes because you are going to get oranges back and plentiful too. Well; unless we are talking about genetically engineered produce here. Ordinarily, in farmers terms, a plantation of oranges brings about a plentiful return of ripe, yellowish or greenish juicy citrus orange fruits ready to be savored at harvest or processed for other uses as the need maybe. Yes, you may find that some seeds may fall by the way side, some maybe planted on the unfertile soils and some may fall on quicksand; all the same. The seeds that find themselves in well-watered and ready to accept these seeds will bear forth good fruits in due season.
Standards of Give and take
If we believe that the norm of reciprocity is the expectation of return of what we put into it, and if comparatively speaking, an expanded theorization of the seed principle as earlier explained will bring us to the fact that doing a good deed or action returns more than the same deed or action. Some may argue for, or against the fact that the social norm of reciprocity often morphs into different forms in different areas of social life, or in different societies. I am of the opinion that this great country of ours, America; was founded on the hashed concept of human nature of which reciprocity is a major property. You may also agree with me though I cannot reference the widely accepted belief that contemporary evolutionary mindset has confirmed reciprocity to be a common human philosophy. Where are we going with this? I keep asking. Stay with me now, I am going somewhere with it. A juxtapose of wealth, fulfilled and accomplished live that is abound in the developed world and that of poverty, unfulfilled and unaccomplished lives that is being lived in underdeveloped societies will at the end be the discuss. I am sure there will be questions asked and questions answered; both provocative and mild.
You and I Know It
My belief is that most of us, in our individual languages and culture must have heard of Social norms. If you have not heard of it, you have in one way or the other participated in it as it is defined by your immediate societal rules. It is the standardized rules and expectations about how you behave in your society or your culture, and relates to generally accepted ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that people agree on and endorse as right or proper. I have discussion over some other norms defined in relative context as well but they are all under the umbrella of reaching out so that you may be reached out to. Explaining how you get a payback, a return or enriched when you pass out these goodies of doing good deed is beyond the scope of this text, and if you want, we will get there down the road as we expand this blog.
Can It Actually Do It?
Now, if reciprocity has built mighty civilizations, powerful societies and advanced mankind, what is the reason then, that in modern times and age, underdeveloped societies and countries have not been able to borrow this tried and tested human adaptive philosophy, mold into a sustaining social standard in order to ameliorate poverty that will create avenue for fully accomplished and fulfilled living of the inhabitants? The question here, of which I am also asking is; are the countries hitherto, termed as underdeveloped nations and/or societies been focused on the wrong approach all the while? Don’t we think that philosophy reshape or tweaking will be a better focus than doing what we have been doing all along? Optics are very important. Arming the so-called paramount of leaders with support for wrong philosophies even if what they have done for this long has been the wrong approach.

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