Trust in delegation

Standing on the Governor’s left or right side?
Taking interest on the accomplishments of those who are not Buhari in Nigerian but are equally supposed to be elected leaders and person of influence in a geographical location. You will notice not the projects but the inspections hullabaloo, the generated pandemonium, and the other echetarams. The physical clamor for associative identification with the man of the moment; in this case the governor of the state where the project is being executed is grandiose in more ways than one. Ah! His Excellency, why do they call them that anyways? That is a topic for another material. Wuhu! Joe, you got work to do! Back to the inspection brouhaha as my mind wonders. Why must the governor personally inspect awarded projects? Why must he personally sign off on jobs that were duly processed, assigned and done? I am talking about the likes of engineering constructions, minor pothole fillings and in some case acquisition of 1 or 2KvA electric generating set which was awarded, following stipulations and guidelines.
What gets the attention?
You will notice that the eventful news is all over the place, it is a participatory activities of affirmation, of affiliation and that of societal self-check that you are seen with the state’s commander in Excellency inspecting a finished Ogbe Ogonogo/Cable tarred road or pothole fillings as it is in some cases. New construction or not, new fillings or not, water pipe breakage or not, it does not matter; what matters is that an activity has been done and noticed, therefore; the governor must show up, camera and all to inspect it. His Excellency and his entourage will make sure that a photo up and state newspaper is present at all times to cover these important “activitized” occasions.  Believe me, an occasional personal commissioning of projects here and there may look good in the parlance of political optics. What gets me is the consistency of show.
What will the American Governor do?
This brings me to imagine what if it is a governor of one of the states in the United States of America, having the time to go and inspect finished potholes that does so much damage to my car shocks after the snow melts that loosens their bonding. How about one of the NE governors going to inspect one of the many water main break caused by freezing and thawing water pipes in the winter or the heat like the case maybe in Houston during the summer heat in August.  How many will they go to and how many will they leave out? What will be the reason for leaving out some inspections and inspect the others? Well, the order of importance is a good argument but the most important issues might that the ever-present press sycophants had other more important issues in their plates. Someone told me that the Delta State governor did not attend the Onicha Ugbo electric generator inauguration was for the fact that Spouses Of Delta State Government Functionaries Association had something going, and the press were very busy with that. I bet you did not know that they have that right. Check the Ogun State chapter, they are very prominent, active and are very supportive of their legislature spouses.
Are the Governors the modern day doubting Thomas?
If you tell me that the governor has to make personally sure that a contract is done and done well for it to be certified done, I will argue with you that the personal involvement is as a result of leadership failure in the chain of command. It is either that the governor has little to do. That exposes other areas of governance to lackluster leadership and monitoring. I take it that there are few and far projects being awarded and completed in that geographical location and areas of influential governance.
Are you sure I can get it done?
Me thinks that there is the lack of trust between the contract issuer and the person who was issued the contract. Here, I am thinking about trust in the capability of those that have been entrusted with functional contract delivery; there is the mistrust of those who are operationally involved, and there is mistrust of involved documenters. Civil society functions well or better on the integrity of faith. Assurance of societal operational functions should be cohesively bonding because it has to be taken at face value. How?
Your C.V. please?
I am sure that none of us, the frequent fliers with yours truly included has ever doubted the credentials of a pilot of whom we are boarding his plane. I have never stopped to asked to know the flight school my anticipated flight pilot trained or to know the qualification of the instructors in the training school; neither have I inquired about the school's accreditation status. I buy my ticket, board the flight at the stipulated time and airport choice.
What has integrity got do with applied faith?
My safe arrival is a documented face-value acceptance and effective practices of applied faith. The moral of the example above lies in the integrity of applied faith on delegated individual functions.  Look up the meaning of integrity; it is a sine qua none to a functional society. It is oh more relevant to developing countries like Nigeria and its citizens, the individual states, and their showboating governors and the different towns like Onicha Ugbo - my hometown.
Can I say something, please?
Allow me a wiggle room to add an analogue that has little to do with this text. Growing up, we were told that to make good use of the yellow palm kernels up on the palm tree; our focus should be on proper preparation of the climbing rope - Agbu, and the cut of a good foothold from tree base. The appropriate completion of what you agreed to execute lies in the lone readiness of your acquired skill. That is individual responsibility of functional integrity.
Characteristic pheromone?
External compliments of our character are responses to our projected characteristics, for us not to live up to that is a black eye to the societal code of morality and civility. We are who we tell people that we are and they respond to us in kind. The enhancement of comparative advantage is magnified when the division of labor correctly practiced. There will be no unnecessary heavy lifting in involved segments.  We should, at all times articulate and internalize the sensitivity of verbal self-representation and personal character-projections so that the society of which we are a part of can better benefit from the faith they repose in functional abilities.
Will you learn something, anything but learn something, please?
First, we have to be ready; if you are not skilled then get skilled. We have to equip and enrich ourselves with personal self-truth that leads to the identification of right purpose; the right service/functions and the true sacrifice. If you know how to get it done, you will not cut corners that will require an input of assertions.  My dearly departed Mom; Okogba Madam, Mbukamma Ogbechie (Nee Emelue) was skilled in Palm oil production from palm kernels shells.  For ones, she has never gone wrong. It is a learned/acquired skill, had she applied for a position to a palm oil producing firm, the general manager will not spend time out of busy schedule signing off of her production. Of course, there is no lack of trust; she will fulfill the job functions because she knows how. Period. So also, a skilled engine mechanic who knows his/her onion will not take a hex key to a job that requires a screwdriver because he/she knows what to do. Efficiency is bolstered when functions duties should be kept separate from operational duties; am I missing something here?

1)      Ogbe Ogonogo/Cable is a popular street in Asaba town in Delta State, Nigeria
2)      Onicha ugbo is a town in Aniocha North LG, Delta State, Nigeria

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